Reaching out to users who downloaded the app but still did not register, can be a powerful tool in helping them become regulars and even evangelists for your app. This can be done by offering them various benefits in the form of promotions and free food.
The Registration Campaign requires two Braze campaigns to be created. In the first, we will send a push notification to unregistered users who weren’t active for more than 5 days. In the second, we will send a webhook with a promotion to drive the account creation.
Unregistered Users Segment
First, we need to create the segmentation:
- In the left sidebar, select Segments from Engagement section
- In the upright corner, select the Create Segment button and add the name to your segment. In our case, we will call it Unregistered Users
- In Filters section, click Select Filter
- Choose Custom Event
- In Filters search and select Complete Account Creation
- Then, select less than and add 1 into the input field
- In Add Filter below search and select Last Used App
- Then select more than, add 5 into the input field, and select days
- Click Save to create the segment
We can now proceed with creating the first part of the Campaign.
Step 1 - Compose
- In the left sidebar select Campaigns from Engagement section
- Select Create Campaign and choose Multichannel Campaign
- Add name and description to your campaign
- Select Add Messaging Channel and choose iOS Push
- Select Add Messaging Channel again and choose Android Push
- In Messaging Channels first select iOS Push
- For Notification Style choose Rich Notification
Now we should compose the push notification message.
- In Title input field type in: e.g. Do you like free stuff?
- In Message input field you can type in the message: Register and get Shrimp Bowl for free 🎁
- Scroll down to On Click Behavior section and select Open App
You can always test the message before sending it to real users:
- Select the Test tab
- In Add Individual Users input field enter the email you are using to log in to the app
- Click Send Test button
- Now select Android Push in Messaging Channels section and repeat all the steps as for iOS Push
- Click Forward to progress to the next step
Step 2 - Delivery
- In Delivery choose Scheduled Delivery and in Time-Based Scheduling Options select Send at a designated time and choose Once
- For date and time select one on which you will start both parts of the campaign
- In Delivery Controls section checkbox Allow users to become re-eligible to receive campaign should be unselected
- Click Forward to progress to the next step
Step 3 - Target Users
- In Targeting Options section for Add Segment select previously created segment Unregistered users
- If your apps must be GDPR compliant in Send to section choose opted-in users only
- Click Forward to progress to the next step
Step 4 - Conversions
To see if your campaign is successful you should assign conversion events. This should show you how many users completed registration.
- Click Add Conversion Event
- In Primary Conversion Event - A for Conversion Event Type choose Performs Custom Event
- In Record Conversions for Users Who search and select Complete Account Creation
- Set Conversion Deadline to 3 days
- Click Forward to progress to the final step
Step 5 - Confirm
In the final step, you will get an overview of the changes you’ve made in all steps.
- Click Launch Campaign to start this campaign
Now we should create the second part of the campaign.
To proceed with the second step, please go to Use Case: Registration Campaign Part 2 - Webhook article
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