User Role | Chain | Chain Venue |
Brand Manager | ✅ | ❌ |
Chain Manager | ❌ | ❌ |
Company Manager | ❌ | ❌ |
Local Manager | ❌ | ❌ |
As a Brand Manager, you have an overview of Statistics of your Brand in the CMS. Brand Statistics include Promotion Statistics which represents the Statistics of all the Promotions ordered through the PAR ordering channels in your restaurant Brand.
To view Promotion Statistics:
- Select Brand List at the top navigation bar
- Select your Brand
- Click on Statistics at the top navigation bar
- The Statistics page appears with this week's Brand Redemption Statistics
- Select Promotions tab
Timeframe: Filter Promotion Statistics for Orders according to the time frame set in Filter settings (Today, Yesterday, Last Week, This Week, Last Month, This Month, This Year, Beginning of Time, Set Time Range)
- Click APPLY
You've successfully filtered Brand Promotions. Now, you can see Promotions for all Venues/Chains within the Brand for a specified Timeframe.
PROMOTION: Name of Promotion
ISSUED: Number of issued Promotions
EXPIRED: Number of expired Promotions
REDEEMED: Number of redeemed Promotions
CURRENTLY ACTIVE: Number of currently active Promotions, not affected by selected timeframe
- Click on Details to get more details of the Statistics of one Redemption for a specified timeframe
VENUE: Venues of placed Orders for this Promotion
MOBILE: Number of Orders for this Promotion on Mobile application
WEB: Number of Orders for this Promotion on Web application
KIOSK: Number of Orders for this Promotion on Kiosk
POS: Number of Orders for this Promotion on POS
OTHER: Number of Orders for this Promotion on other channels
TOTAL: Total number of Orders for this Promotion
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