User Role | Chain | Chain Venue |
Brand Manager | ✅ | ✅ |
Chain Manager | ❌ | ❌ |
Company Manager | ❌ | ❌ |
Local Manager | ❌ | ❌ |
User-initiated order cancellation enables Customers to cancel their Orders after placing them, in case a mistake was made when placing the Order: wrong Venue, Items, Payment Method, etc.
User-initiated Order Cancellation is enabled/disabled in the Settings tab on a Brand level under Order Regret Status section.
If the cancelation is no longer possible, an info message will appear: Sorry, it's too late to cancel your order now.
Brand-level Order Regret Status
As a Brand Manager, you are able to set up Order Regret Status for your Brand and, subsequently, all the Brands/Chains and Venues you are assigned to.
Order Regret Status on a Brand level can be:
- Enabled
- Disabled for all
- Enabled for all
If you select the option Enabled on a Brand level, that means that on a Venue Level Order Regret Status can be Enabled or Disabled. That way, Local Manager will have the option to Enable/Disable Order Regret Status for their Venue.
If you select Enabled for Order Regret Status:
- New Order Regret Buffer field will appear
Number entered in the Order Regret Buffer field represents the number of seconds for which the Order Regret button is available to the Customer in case the Customer placed the Order for ASAP.
NOTE: Maximum number that can be entered in the Order Regret Buffer field is 300, therefore the Order Regret button can be set up to maximum of 300 seconds/5 minutes.
- Enter number of seconds for which you want the Order Regret button to be visible in Mobile/Web application
- Click SUBMIT to complete the process
You've successfully enabled Order Regret feature for your Brand.
Order Cancelation for Mobile app:
Order Regret Buffer in Mobile app:
Order cancelation for Web app:
Order Regret Buffer in Web app:
Disabled for all
If you select Disabled for all on a Brand level, that implies that on a Venue level you will only see the label Disabled to all without the possibility to change anything. This means that Order Cancellation is disabled for all Chains/Companies/Venues that belong to that Brand and this feature cannot be enabled on Venue level.
Enabled for all
If you select Enabled for all on a Brand level, on Venue level you will only see the label Enabled to all without the possibility to change anything. This means that Order Cancellation is enabled for all Chains/Companies/Venues that belong to that Brand and this feature cannot be disabled on Venue level.
NOTE: Order cancelation flow in case of Enabled for all is the same as when Enabled is selected.
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