Order Regret Status is part of the User-initiated Order Cancellation feature developed by PAR Ordering. This is because the possibility for Users to cancel Orders is required by law in some countries. It is expected that, in the future, other countries will also follow this practice. Additionally, there are also restaurant Brands that are interested in providing this possibility even if it is not legally required; it gives Customers more freedom and sense of control over their ordering experience.
What are cancellations for?
User-initiated order cancelation enables Customers to cancel their Orders after placing them, in case a mistake was made when placing the Order: wrong Store, Items, Payment Method, etc.
Please note: the Order can be cancelled only prior to being sent to the POS/Printer.
How to enable cancellations?
It is enabled/disabled in the Settings tab of Order Types on a Brand level under Allow for cancellations:
Order cancellations: Brand level vs. for Stores on a Brand level
Brand Level
If Allow for cancellation is set as Enabled on a Brand level, it means that this status can be freely enabled or disabled for each Store if the control is set to All stores can manage. That way, the Store Manager has the option to enable/disable Order Regret functionality and increase/decrease the allowed time period for their Store.
If you select Enabled for Allow for cancellations, the Customers will be able to cancel their Order for the time set on a Brand level.
Stores on a Brand Level
If Allow for cancellation is set as Enabled for Stores on a Brand level, it means that on a Store level the Order Regret functionality is forced as Enabled and a Store Manager cannot change it. The Customers are able to cancel their Order for the time set on a Brand level.
Order Regret Status Disabled For All on a Brand level
If Allow for cancellation is set as Disabled on a Brand level, that means that on a Store level the Allow for cancellation functionality is set up as Disabled as well and a Store Manager cannot change it.
Please note: for more information on this functionality, please contact your Success Manager.
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