This article explains how to create and manage loyalty earning rules in a Loyalty program.
Have a look at this video and follow the instructions below it to set it up:
Earning rules define how a brand will award points to user’s transactions. Whether an earning rule applies to an order is dependent on 3 factors related to the rule:
- Start and end date: the transaction must occur within the defined date range for the rule
- Enabled/disabled status: only enabled rules apply to transactions
- Conditions: Rule specific conditions must be met
If all 3 factors are met, then the rule’s effect will apply to the transaction and the user will be awarded a certain number of points.
In order to create earning rules, the brand you are configuring rules for must already have a loyalty program configured and you must have manage permissions for Earning Rules.
- Navigate to the brand’s All Stores navigation level
- Select Earning Rules from the Loyalty sub-navigation
- Select the Current tab
- Select + Add Rule
Populate the following fields:
- Name: the name that will be displayed in the Earning rules table
- Description: the description that will be displayed when hovering over a rule in the Earning rules table
- Start date: the date when the rule will start taking effect. If no start date is provided, the rule will immediately be scheduled to take effect
NOTE: The rule must also be set as enabled for it to be included in loyalty point calculations.
- End date: the date when the rule will no longer take effect. If no end date is provided, the rule will be scheduled to take effect indefinitely.
- Status: enabled or disabled. If set as enabled, the rule will immediately be able to take effect (assuming all other conditions have been met)
- Add conditions to your rule
Always trigger effect: this condition allows for all transactions from enabled channels to trigger the defined effect
Days and times: this condition specifies transaction restrictions for specific days of the week during specific times. You can select multiple days for the same time range. If there are different time ranges required for different days, you can add multiple conditions by selecting + OR.
Order type: this condition specifies transaction restrictions for specific order types. You can include or exclude multiple order types by selecting “includes” or “excludes” and then the relevant order types.
NOTE: you will only be able to select from the order types that have been enabled for the brand.
- Cart spend: this condition specifies transaction restrictions based on the how much a user has spent, either on their total purchase or on particular categories, subcategories, combos and items
You can select from cart filters. These are split between total and category/product filters. For total, you have access to 2 default filters (total with fees, taxes, and tip and total without fees, taxes, and tip).
- You can add new filters by selecting Add cart filter
- Specify the name of the filter
- Select in total for total-based filters or on specific for category/product specific filters
- For total-based filters choose to exclude taxes, fees, or tip. Be sure to name the filter appropriately
- For category/product based filters, specify the category, subcategory, combo or item type, includes/excludes, and then select + Add [category/subcategory/combo/item]
- Choose the same category/subcategory/combo/item across all the relevant chains and select Add
- Select Add to save the cart filter
- Choose the operator you want to use
- Enter the value that the operator will use to compare the filter amount to
NOTE: All cart filters will also calculate the monetary value of a transaction's expenditure.
Channel: this condition specifies transaction restrictions for specific channels. You can include or exclude multiple channels by selecting includes or excludes and then the relevant channels.
NOTE: you will only be able to select from the channels that have been enabled for the loyalty program.
Chains and stores: this condition specifies transaction restrictions for specific chains or stores. You can include or exclude multiple stores from multiple chains by selecting includes or excludes and then selecting the + Manage button.
User’s birthday: this condition specifies restrictions for when a user can earn points during their birthday. There are 3 options:
- It's on the current day- This option allows the user to earn points only on their birthday.
- It's within a 7 days range from the current day - This option allows the user to earn points 3 days, on, and 3 days after their birthday.
- It's in the current month - This option allows the user to earn points throughout the month of their birthday.
Effects: The effect portion of an earning rule specifies how many points will be earned by the user for this earning rule. Effects can be defined as a static value (e.g. 50) or they can be dynamically calculated using a cart filter variable in a formula (e.g. total including taxes, tip, and fees * 2). Cart filters represent a variable that will be calculated during the ordering process. These cart filters are the same filters that are used for the cart spend condition.
Note only 1 cart filter can be added to the calculation, and the standard operators like addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/), and mathematical ordering using parentheses (()) can be used. You can see what an example of a calculation would result in by hovering over the eye icon.
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