Tag Manager Overview
Google Tag Manager is a tag management system (TMS) that allows you to quickly and easily update measurement codes and related code fragments collectively known as tags on your website or mobile app. Once the small segment of Tag Manager code has been added to your project, you can safely and easily deploy analytics and measurement tag configurations from a web-based user interface.
With GTM, brands can add, edit, and disable tags without having to touch the Web App source code. When GTM code is added to Web App script is injected that tracks usage and sends events to GTM. A brand can configure tags and connect them to the events that Web App is sending. GTM can be used to track events, scrolling, tracking conversion, ad campaigns, and much more.
All GTM possibilities are configured and monitored in Google Tag Manager and aren't part of PAR Ordering. When GTM code is added to Web App, PAR Ordering will send all data to Tag Manager where the brand can use it with the power Google Tag Manager provides on their platform.
Create GTM Account and Container
Go to Tag Manager
The prerequisite is that you are registered on the GTM platform
- Create Account:
- Fill in details:
- Review and Accept Terms of Service:
- You will get the GTM code, please share GTM code with your PAR Ordering Success or Onboarding Manager, and they will add it to your Web App.
- Alternatively, once created, you can get your GTM code in Tag Manager, click Workspace.
Near the top of the window, find your container ID, formatted as "GTM-XXXXXX".
Publish Container and Tags
Preview mode gives you an opportunity to inspect your Tag Manager configuration on your site or app to make sure everything behaves as expected. On the web, you can use the debug option to see which tags fire as you browse and interact with the site.
From any web page in a workspace with unpublished changes, click Preview. Learn more.
When you're ready, click Submit in the upper-right corner of the screen to begin publishing your changes. Add details such as a Version Name and Version description, then click Publish.
Gtag Data Layer
Web App events and data layers are at the moment sent to GTM by utilizing Gtag. It's necessary to enable both tracking codes on Web App in order to send Web App usage to GTM.
To set up Gtag (Google Analytics 4 property) please read this article.
Validate tag on Web App
Once confirmed by PAR Ordering Onboarding or Success Manager that GTM and Gtag are enabled on your Web App, you can check its' performance by the use of Tag Assistant.
The prerequisite is that you have an account that can be used to access Tag Assistant.
- In Tag Assistant select your Web App container:
- The container will trigger a debugger where you need to specify your Web App URL:
- Tag Assistant will show connection progress and it will open your web app in debugger mode.
- All events will be sent to the tag manager and can be tracked in Tag Assistant.
You can see all events on the left side. You can see Data Layer for every event by selecting it, and then navigating to "Data Layer"
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