What is it?
Google Tag Manager is a feature that allows you to identify events on your Marketing Website based on their kind. It means that depending on the attributes of those events, you can draw differences between them.
What does it do?
This feature expands the options currently presented by the website. It helps to increase the amount and kind of information about how Users interact with the marketing website - so it gives more details about the customer journey. It is an improvement to your knowledge about your customers.
How do I get it?
It requires you to have GTM (Google Tag Manager) ID associated with your marketing website.
The field where you have to add the Google Tag Manager ID on your website is here:
- On your marketing website, go to Theme, then Settings, then General. Here, you will spot the Google Tag Manager ID field:
This field has been added so that if you have interest in collecting such type of data. You can enter the exact name that you want this data collection event to have - it will then be reflected in the GTM panel.
And so, an additional field will be displayed in the CMS when this component is added. You can specify the name of the event that will be triggered when the User interacts with certain components of your website.
For example: if user clicks on a certain link, GTM will record this information and present it in the GTM panel. - Here's the list of components that present this option and the action that it executes:
Id and Name
Supported GTM events (dfault names)
1. Carousel medium cards
Image Hover:
Each slide
2. Benefits
Button Click: 'cid_2_button_click'
3. Footer (template set in theme customisation)
4. Card grid smaller
Button Click: 'cid_4_button_click'
Image Hover:
5. Features Section Vertical
Button Click: 'cid_5_button_click'
Image Hover:
6. Features Cards Grid
Button Click: 'cid_6_button_click'
Image Hover:
7. Share social media
Button Click: 'cid_7_button_click'
Image Hover:
Each item
8. Carousel Gallery
Button Click: 'cid_8_button_click'
Image Hover:
Each slide
9. Carousel small cards
Button Click: 'cid_9_button_click'
Image Hover:
Each Slide
10. Job popup description
Button Click: 'cid_35_button_click' (cid 10 is a part of cid-35)
11. Content block tagline
Button Click: 'cid_11_button_click'
12. Content block button group
Button Click: 'cid_12_button_click'
13. Content block title
Button Click: 'cid_13_button_click'
14. Complex header
Button Click: 'cid_14_button_click'
15. Small Products Grid
Button Click: 'cid_15_button_click'
16. Horizontal Timeline
17. Items list
Button Click: 'cid_17_button_click'
18. Content block
Button Click: 'cid_18_button_click'
19. Contact form section
Button Click: 'cid_19_button_click'
20. Locations
21. Grid card vertical
Image Hover:
'cid_21_image_hover' Button Click: 'cid_21_button_click'
22. Grid card horizontal
Image Hover:
'cid_22_image_hover' Button Click: 'cid_22_button_click'
23. Home hero section
Button Click: 'cid_23_button_click'
Image Hover:
Each slide
24. Services grid
Button Click: 'cid_24_button_click'
25. Coupon grid card
Button Click: 'cid_25_button_click'
Image Hover:
26. Customers header
Button Click: 'cid_26_button_click'
Image Hover:
'cid_26_image_hover' - Each image
27. All integrations sliders
Button Click: 'cid_27_button_click'
Image Hover:
'cid_27_image_hover' - Each image
28. Articles large small
Button Click: 'cid_28_button_click'
(For featured article and for each small article)
Image Hover:
'cid_26_image_hover' - (For featured article and for each small article)s
29. Trending
Button Click: 'cid_29_button_click' (view all)
Image Click: 'cid_29_button_click' + targetUrl
Image Hover: 'cid_29_image_hover'+ targetUrl
30. Integrations header
Image Hover:
31. Bordered text block
Button Click: 'cid_31_button_click'
32. Integrations
Button Click: 'cid_32_button_click' Image Hover:
Each Item
33. Large title
Button Click: 'cid_33_button_click'
34. Team
Image Hover:
Each Image
Button Click: 'cid_35_button_click'
36. Articles horizontal
Button Click: 'cid_36_button_click'
Image Hover:
37. Article contents table
Button Click: 'cid_37_button_click' each tab
38. Card grid larger
Button Click: 'cid_38_button_click'
Image Hover:
39. Carousel small items
Button Click: 'cid_39_button_click'
40. Carousel cta large
Button Click: 'cid_40_button_click'
Image Hover:
Each slide
41. Tabs block
Button Click: 'cid_41_button_click'
Image Hover:
42. Pop up with content
43. Product carousel
Button Click: 'cid_43_button_click'
Image Hover:
Each slide
44. Articles vertical
Button Click: 'cid_44_button_click'
Image Hover:
Each slide
45. Grid Cards Heading
Button Click: 'cid_45_button_click' Image Hover: 'cid_45_image_hover'
46. Features section sides
Button Click: 'cid_46_button_click'
Image Hover:
47. Grid cards
Button Click: 'cid_47_button_click'
Image Hover:
Each card
48. Articles small image
Button Click: 'cid_48_button_click'
Each card
49. Articles medium vertical
Button Click: 'cid_49_button_click'
Image Hover:
50. Integrations left-right cards
Image Hover:
Each image
51. Lightbox
Button Click: 'cid_51_button_click'
Image Hover:
52. Home locations
Image Hover: 'cid_52_image_hover'
Button Click: 'cid_52_button_click' + resourceAddress (when address is selected)
53. Contact Form
Button Click: 'cid_53_button_click'
54. Coupons Full
Button Click: 'cid_54_button_click' + resourceId + resourceName (click on Redeem button)
Button Click: 'cid_54_button_click' + resourceId + resourceName + couponMethod (click on Mobile App or Redeem Coupon button)
Button Click: 'cid_54_button_click' + resourceId + (click on coupon tab)
55. Home Apps
Button Click: 'cid_55_button_click' + targetUrl
56. Coupons
Button Click: 'cid_56_button_click' (view all)
Image Click: 'cid_56_button_click' + resourceId
Image Hover: 'cid_56_image_hover'+ resourceId
57. Youtube
58. Button
Button Click: 'cid_58_button_click'
59. Content Grid Simplified
Button Click: 'cid_59_button_click'
Image Hover:
Each image
60. Posts grid image left
Button Click: 'cid_60_button_click'
Image Hover:
Each post
61. Sitemap
Button Click: 'cid_61_button_click' + targetUrl
62. 404
Button Click: 'cid_62_button_click'
63. Zendesk (Next only)
64. small image cards
Button Click: 'cid_64_button_click'
Each card
65. Grid Boxed items
Button Click: 'cid_65_button_click'
Each card
66. New component - dupiclate id 29
67. Imprint
68. advantages-list
69. tagline with icon
71. New component (article page)
Button Click: 'cid_71_button_click' each tab
73. New component (article page)
74. accordion
Button Click: 'cid_74_button_click' + resourceName
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