At PAR Ordering, we focus on the wellbeing of your business. We also focus on wellbeing and happiness of your Customers - cause they're intertwined.
That's why we introduce Discount Cards.
What is it?
Discount Cards is a functionality in Management Center that allows you to define discount card types to give certain groups of Customers a discount and/or a VAT exemption. Based on the configuration, discount and/or VAT exemption could apply to the whole Order or can be limited to a certain amount.
Please note:
- You can allow Customers to apply multiple cards of the same type to a single Order
- Discount Cards can’t be combined with other types of Discounts (Coupons, Rewards, Promotions, and Foodspot discounts)
Why is it useful?
It allows Brands and their certain Customers to use physical discount cards in online ordering. From the Customer perspective, it makes them feel accommodated, taken care of and respected. This, in turn, means that their engagement in online ordering in your Brand can grow - making loyalty increase in turn and their bond with your Brand even stronger.
It also serves a rather noble purpose - fighting the digital exclusion. It's very important to make people with certain conditions (such as disabilities) and more senior citizens included in the digital world. And it's good to show support for national heroes as well (athletes, coaches, etc.) - you can do all of this by enabling Discount Cards.
How does it work?
We're getting into details here, so we've divided this part into 3 expandable sections. Click on the arrow in each title field to expand it and check three perspectives:
Configuring the Discount Cards in Management Center - Brand Manager
For Customers to be able to use the discount card when placing an Order, a Brand needs to define what types of Discount Cards should be available to their Users. To add a Discount Card that will be available to your customers go to Configurations > Discount Cards and click on the Add Discount Card button. Add discount card form will open.
To create and configure a Discount Card you’ll need to fill in the following fields:
- Card Name that will be shown to your Customers in the list of available discount cards
- Card description that will be shown to your Customers in the list of available discount cards below the name
- Discount defines the percentage of the discount that this card will provide
- Max discountable amount lets you choose if the discount can be applied to the whole order or if it should be limited to a certain amount
Please note: limiting the discountable amount can be done:
- Per Order in case you’re allowing your Customers to use just one Discount Card per Order
- Per card in the case when you would like to allow your customers to add more than one Discount Card for a single Order
When adding more than one Discount Card is allowed, Max discountable amount set for this Discount Card type will be multiplied by the number of cards added.
VAT exemption gives the customer a tax reduction, in addition to already the applied discount type. VAT exemption will, the same as the discount, be applied to Max discountable amount or to the Whole order based on the discount card type configuration.
Please note:
- In case when the discount card provides VAT exemption, VAT will be exempted first and then the discount would get applied
- VAT exemption is available only if the country the Brand operates in is using an inclusive tax calculation method
- VAT exemption might not be supported by all POS models
Add Custom Field button will add a field to this Discount Card that Customers will need to fill in when placing their Order. Every discount card must have at least one field.
When adding a custom field you need to select its type which can be alphanumeric or numeric and name the field. You can also add a Hint to help Customers properly fill in this field when adding a Discount Card to an Order.
When all custom fields are filled in, configuration of the Discount Card type is done and you can click on the Add button in the upper right corner
Please note: once the Discount Card gets added, you can edit its Card name, Card description, Discount percentage, Max discountable amount, and Vat exemptions settings, but the Custom Fields configuration can not be changed.
Just adding the Discount Card will not make it available to your Customers. In order to do that you’ll need to enable it.
Adding a Discount Card to the Order - Customer
Discount Cards could be used in Mobile and Web ordering Apps. On the Web App adding Discount Cards to the Order is possible for both registered and guest Users.
If there’s at least one Discount Card type added and enabled by the Brand, Customers will see the Discount Card section on the Order Summary screen.
After tapping on Add discount cards button, the Customer will be redirected to a screen with a list of Discount Cards that the Brand offers. After choosing the appropriate Discount Card type, the Customer will need to fill in all fields defined for this card. Hint defined in Management Center for a specific field will be shown right below that field (as can be seen in the design above).
After Customer saves the card for this Order, it will appear on the Order Summary screen. In the list of added cards Customer will see the discount card type and the value of the first custom field defined for this card type (this should be taken into account when adding custom fields for a Discount Card type in Management Center). Discount and Vat exemption that the added card provides are visible in the calculation at this point.
Please note:
- It's not possible to combine Discount Cards with other types of Discounts
- It's not possible to add multiple Discount Card types to a single Order
- Discount card(s) that Customer added are applied to the current Order only and are not saved to Customer’s account which means that they will need to add them every time they want to apply their Discount Card to an Order
Remember: On the Web App ordering channel Discount Cards are added on the Checkout page and are available to registered and guest Users
After a Customer places the Order, Discount Cards that they've applied to this Order will be visible on the in-app and emailed receipt.
Validating the Discount Cards information - Restaurant staff
Restaurant staff can validate if the Discount Card data that the Customer filled in while placing an Order matches the data on the physical discount card that Customer has by checking the Order on Tablet App or Venue Order statistics in CMS.
If at least one Discount Card is applied to an Order, restaurant staff will see the Show Discount cards button on the Tablet App's Order Details screen.
Tapping the Show Discount cards button will open a modal with details of all Discount Cards applied to that Order.
CMS Users can see the same details in Venue Order Statistics > Order Details.
Is it possible to apply Discount Card and in addition get discounts through Promotion, Coupon or a Reward? No. If a User adds a Discount Card to an Order, they won’t be able to add Promotion, Coupon or a Reward and vice versa.
Can a guest Customer use Discount Card? Yes, on the Web App ordering channel this feature is available to both registered and guest Customers on the Checkout page.
Can we give our employees discounts using this feature? Of course! You can use this feature to give discounts to any group of people by adding and configuring appropriate Discount Card type for that group in your Management Center.
When does it become available:
- v4.24 on APAC, DEMO and LAC
- v4.25 on EU, US and MENA
How much does it cost? It's free of charge!
Who uses it? Brand Managers in MC, Restaurant staff on Tablet and Customers on Channels
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