US & LAC |
13.03.2023 02:00 - 03:30 ET |
15.03.2023 21:00 - 23:30 CET |
Drag and Drop between Subcategories and Categories had been temporarily disabled in Management Center in order to improve this functionality. Until this is re-enabled in Management Center, please use the dropdown functionality in the Item and Subcategory edit window to move Items between Subcategories or Subcategories between Categories. We plan to reenable drag&drop functionality with v4.28.0
Introduced the Manage Visibility button in Brand Menu when editing Category, Subcategory, Item, Modifier, Modifier Group, and Combo in order to improve scanning and finding this functionality easier
Manage Visibility modal has all Subcategories collapsed upon loading the modal to give a better overview for Brand Managers
Manage Visibility modal has a button to expand / collapse store groups to improve operator management speed
Search in Overview highlights all search results and ignores the case sensitivity. Highlight applies to all results relevant to what the user has been searching for. Applied to both Brand and Store Menu
POS Mapping search results clearly communicate to the user when there are no search results
POS Mapping search shows the indicator when the system is processing the search query and looking for results to show to the user
Leverage POS tax configurations and calculations via APIs, to display on all menu ordering channels. The POS provided tax values will be used to create all orders when the venue used exclusive taxation method and the POS integration supports exclusive tax calculations
Give users more accurate promises for expected delivery time for Dispatch integrated venues on our mobile and web channels, by taking into account own fleet as well as DSP fleet capacity from Dispatch
Improved Store Finder 2.0 flow on mobile app, with a user tutorial for first time app users to help onboard them onto Store Finder 2.0 functionality
Display cancelled orders in order history for mobile app, in addition to the regular and refunded orders which already appear on the order history to give full history of all orders made by the user. We also improved labelling for orders which are actively being prepared by the kitchen so that the user can have a better view of order status
Removing VAT but showing VAT exemption on the Order summary screen and in-app receipt depending on config
CT Update home image correctly
Removing VAT but showing VAT exemption on the Order summary screen and in-app receipt depending on config
Combo Cluster price range can start with 0 (free) to support combos in combo cluster that are priced 0.00
Kiosk always shows combo description in selected language
Marketing Website
Fix contact form
No background hover color on Language switcher fix
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