Running your own business should be simple. It should also feel like you're in total control over what is changing, even if you're not the one making these changes. Playing detective is cool, but not necessarily at work, right? Or at least when you play one, you should have good tools to do it.
That's why we introduced Activity Logs.
So what is it exactly?
Activity Logs is a service that lets you see and easily understand which changes were made, who made them, and when they were made from the Management Center. Thanks to that, you can trace back content and configuration issues. Plus, you have a full overview of what's going on setup-wise.
Who can use it?
Activity Logs live in Management Center (MC) on Global and Brand levels.
- The Global level is accessible to Administrators only through Admin Panel and will include logs of changes made to objects at the Global level while also offering insight into changes on all Brands
- The Brand level is accessible to the Brand Manager user role in the Brand’s Configurations Tab
How does it work?
You should head to MC and hop into Configurations. From there, click on Activity Logs.
Activity Logs Table
The Activity Logs Table displays Activity Logs in the 'newest on top' order and includes the following columns:
OBJECT- shows the type of the object that was created, edited, or deleted
OBJECT NAME - shows the name of the object that was created, edited, or deleted
EVENT - provides information about the action that was performed on the object
USER - shows the email of the user that performed the change
CHANNEL - provides information about the channel that was used to perform the change
DATE & TIME (UTC) - shows the time and date when the action was performed in UTC
The display
As you can see above, the Activity Logs Table is broken down to pages of results. The User can choose to see 30, 50, or 100 logs per page.
Please note: Logs will be kept for 30 days.
Activity Logs table is searchable - there's a search tab available above column headers. It also offers a number of filters that will allow Users to easily find out the 'what, when, and how' on every change that was made.
Search function
You can search Activity Logs by:
ID of the changed Object
Name of the changed Object
Email of a User that made the change
Filtering function
Once you see the results you've searched for, the filters available are:
Brand (available on the Global level only)
Type of the Event that was performed on the Object (Created, Updated, or Deleted)
Type of the Object
Date Range
Time Range
Channel through which the change was made (Tablet, Management Center and CMS)
You can apply directly in the Activity Logs Table view or by clicking on the More filters option that opens a list with all available filters. Using More filters might be useful when applying multiple filters at once.
As you can see, when you apply your filters, they will appear below the search field so it is easy to understand which ones are currently in effect. You can remove these filters by clicking the Clear All button.
Log details
Every single record (singular Activity Log) in the Activity Logs Table can be expanded for more details. Simply click on it and check all the information:
That will open the Activity Log details drawer that consists of two sections:
Details - which informs you about the changed object, the channel that was used to make this change, User details, and the timestamp of the change
What has been edited (or added or deleted, of course) - section for created and deleted events shows properties of the object at the time when it was created or deleted. For updated events, it shows the old and new values of all object properties that were changed by this action
Reading the values in Logs
Most flags on entities that are being monitored by the Activity Logs service are easy to understand and self-explanatory. Their value can be either True or False, so it’s easy to understand what the change was. In some cases, additional clarification is required. Properties that are changed the most are State and Visibility and they have values that do not have a clear meaning:
The State can have the following values:
[1] Active
[2] Disabled
[3] Auto Disabled (by POS)
[4] Disabled by monitoring
Visibility can have the following values:
[0] Visibility off
[1] Visibility on
So there you have it! Full control and visibility of who, when and how introduces changes in the setup of your business - no need for magnifying glass here, dear Watson! :)
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