In order to start using PAR Ordering ApplePay integration with Saferpay from client prospective, there are several things that have to be configured.
1. Create and configure payment processing certificate
First of all both integrations mobile and web require our client to create a payment processing certificate and upload it to SaferPay Backoffice. A complete guide on how to do this can be found here - Apple Pay
Once this step is done the client should have created a merchant ID in their AppleDevelopmentCenter and they have successfully created a payment processing certificate and uploaded it to SaferPay. If the client plans on using ApplePay only on mobile this is all they had to do.
2. Create and configure Merchant Identity Certificate (web-only)
However for ApplePay web implementation some additional steps are required. In order to process ApplePay payments on web client will also have to create a Merchant Identity Certificate and then verify a domain on which ApplePay will be used. Full guide on how to create this certificate and verify a domain can be found here
Once all of these steps have been completed, the client should have their certificate file, secret key used to sign the certificate file received from Apple, and a Merchant Identifier.
In order for PAR Ordering backend to communicate with ApplePay servers on the behalf of the client they will have to add their Merchant Identity, certificate file and a secret key used to sign the certificate in the CMS. The certificate file has to be converted to .pem file using terminal or online tools like SSL Converter | LeaderSSL
Once this has been completed the contents of certificate file and secret key should be added to the CMS in the SaferPay payment processor configuration on brand level:
Fig. 1: ApplePay configuration in CMS
More information regarding ApplePay and Usage Restriction can be found here
Important: Visa cards transactions for ApplePay are not working in SaferPay sandbox (confirmed by SaferPay integration team) therefore we will always get “Invalid card” authorization response and a “Transactions declined by acquirer” error message.
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