Ordering Part of Your Customer Journey
Your Home Page serves as the beginning of the ordering flow for your customers. This usually isn't the beginning of the customer journey, as it's more likely that their journey started from Google Search, your Marketing Website, or your Social Media that linked them to your Web App to browse through your menu and make a purchase.
Once your customers land on Web App Home Page, they will choose which order type they would like to order. This makes a linear step-by-step flow for your customers ensuring they made the intentional decisions for purchase and how they would like to be served.
Home Page Layout
Home Page consists of a few sections important for your customers:
Order Type Selection
The main action for your customers on Home Page is to select the order type they would like to order for. This element is the most prominent and hosts all order types that you enabled. When order type is selected, it will guide customers to the next step in the process depending on the order type.
Loyalty Points *
For brands that have enabled the Loyalty feature, customers will see the Loyalty card with their status and points accrued that can be spent on loyalty rewards. Guest customers can learn more about your loyalty program by clicking on the card and will be incentivized to register for your loyalty program, while registered customers can view their current status.
News Section
News articles added to PAR Ordering CMS will show at the end of the Web App content area. The news section features up to 3 visible news and has access for your customers to browse through all news.
Header & Footer
Header exists on the majority of Web App pages. It serves the purpose of navigation accessible to users. The most important header feature is the "Register" call-to-action to nudge your customers to register or sign in. This is available when the customer is in a guest session.
* If your brand has the Loyalty feature enabled, guest customers will see the call-to-action to register in order to benefit from loyalty perks.
For registered customers, the header acts like a customer dashboard with access to account settings, their past orders, and payment methods.
* If your brand has the Loyalty feature enabled, registered customers will see the number of points they accrued that can be spent on loyalty rewards.
Marketing Website Links *
* If your Marketing Website is also hosted on PAR Ordering platform, links created in the header of your Marketing Website will be shown on Web App header as well in the same order.
Footer hosts the language switcher, high contrast, and custom links your brand needs in the footer.
Marketing Website Links *
* If your Marketing Website is also hosted on PAR Ordering platform, links created in the footer of your Marketing Website will be shown on Web App footer as well in the same order.. This behaves as a second footer shown below Web App footer.
Skip Home Page by using Direct Linking
Home Page can be skipped by linking customers to Store Finder Page or a specific Store Menu Page. Techniques to do so are dependent on where you promote the Web App Ordering from. Here are a few examples:
- Links from your Marketing Website can assume what your customers need and link to a specific page with an order type already selected for your customer.
- Links from your campaigns: Emails, Social Media, and others can be specified for an order type and therefore send users directly to Web App Page that you need and skip the Home Page.
Wording and screenshots in this article are examples for presentational purposes. You can customize all texts across the PAR Ordering platform to match your brand's tone of voice in the Customization Center.
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