Store Finder Purpose
Store Finder is a directory of your restaurants available for certain order types. It's a list with a map where customers can browse through your restaurants.
Store Finder exists for:
- Dine-in
- Pickup
- Table Service
- Takeout
To get to Store Finder, the customer needs to have the order type selected. Order type can be selected by your customer on a Home Page or when your customer clicks on a link that has an order type already defined.
Store Finder Layout
Brand Locations
If the customer doesn't allow browser location permissions, they will see the list of brand locations you specify in CMS. Customers can select one of those locations or type in the search input their location.
Search Locations
Customers can explore the cities and districts for your stores by typing in the locations in the search input field. Web App will autosuggest locations after the customer has typed three characters. Autosuggestions are filtered by the country of your brand. Once the customer selects a location from autosuggestion, restaurants will be sorted by the distance from the location customer specified.
Use Current Customer Location
Customers can click on the icon for their current location which will trigger the browser location permissions. After the customer allows the browser to get their current location, Store Finder will sort restaurants based on distance from customer's current location. This way most important restaurants will show on top for your customers and have a higher chance to lead to the purchase.
List of Restaurants
The list of restaurants is an easy way for your customers to navigate through restaurants offering a certain order type and to choose where they want to order from. The list shows 50 nearest restaurants to the location user-specified or to their current location for the selected order type.
The map is a great visual representation for your customers to understand where your restaurants are located. The map shows up to 50 nearest restaurants to user-specified location or their current location. Pins on the map indicate the location of the restaurants and relates to the user location pin that is also shown on the map.
Customer Current Location Trigger
When your customer lands on the Store Finder Page, browser location permissions are triggered. In order to give the best experience to your customer, the Web App asks the customer to give their location right away and offer them the most relevant restaurants for them to choose from. Once the customer gives the location permission through browser pop-up, if allowed, the user's current address will auto-fill in the input field and restaurants are sorted by the distance from the user location. This way, it's most probable that customers will end up purchasing in the nearest restaurant.
Direct Linking to Store Finder
You can create and use links guiding your customers directly to Store Finder and skip the Home Page. Depending on your brand's need, you can use these links in various places like your marketing website, emails, and social media.
Important to understand are parameters in the URL when direct linking:
Order Type *required
In order to load Store Finder, the order type needs to be specified. This is an example of direct linking:
"/directory" indicates that it's a Store Finder Page
"/?order-type=4" indicates that it's a directory for Dine-in Pickup order type. This direct link would open Store Finder with the list of restaurants offering Dine-in Pickup order type.
Store Finder supported order types:
Order type | URL parameter |
Dine-in Pickup |
/?order-type=4 |
Table Service | /?order-type=1 |
Takeout | /?order-type=6 |
Coordinates *optional
The next parameter available in direct linking to the Store Finder page is user coordinates. User coordinates indicate the location user is at and based on it restaurants are sorted by distance from that point. Coordinates are in format latitude,longitude and they point to the real-world location. Having coordinates in the direct link would ignore user location and immediately sort restaurants by distance from the location you specified with coordinates.
* Please avoid specifying coordinates in direct links, as this would open a list of restaurants for your customers sorted by distance from the coordinate you specified. This would also make Web App skip asking users for their location. Customers may be misinformed that restaurants are sorted by distance from their location while actually restaurants are sorted by distance from coordinates you specified in the direct link - which may be far away from customer's geographical interest.
Address *optional
The last parameter available in direct linking to the Store Finder is the address and indicates the written address for the customer's location. Address in the direct link will be injected into the input field on the Store Finder page.
Please note: Wording and screenshots in this article are examples for presentational purposes. You can customize all texts across the MENU platform to match your brand's tone of voice in the Customization Center.
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