If you have created a new Item or Combo and you can't see this new Item or Combo in your Mobile app, Webapp, or Kiosk, then this is most likely a MC configuration issue.
The same applies for Categories or Subcategories that appear greyed out/disabled on the Mobile app, Web app, or Kiosk.
How to check on your MC settings
You can check the visibility of a Category, Subcategory, Item or combo at All Stores and/or Store level, as per follows:
Brand/All Stores Level
- Click on the Manage Visibility option for the Category, Subcategory, and Items
2. Select in which Store Groups this Category, Subcategory, or Item should be available
3. Select the MENU or External ordering Channel(s) in which it should be available
4. Repeat the process for the Combos
5. Make sure you check on each item inside of a combo for Visibility and Availability
Note: At least one item per side group of a Combo needs to be available for the Combo to be visible.
6. Check if the Item or Combo itself is enabled for the Order Types you want it to be available for.
7. Enable the Show in Menu option, to turn the Item visible in the Menu.
Note: The "Show In Menu" option is not needed for the items inside of a combo, if you only want to sell those items within a combo. The combo must be added to a combo cluster group to be visible!
8. If you have a POS Integration you also need to check if the Items and Combos are properly mapped to POS Items and Combos
Store Level
- Check if the Category, Subcategory, Item, or Combo is Disabled or Hidden on Store Level
2. Also check each item in the Combos Side Group. If all items inside of a Combo Side Group are disabled, the combo will not show up on the Mobile app, Webapp, or Kiosk.
Note: At least one item per side group of a Combo needs to be available for the Combo to be visible.
Note: If you want to learn more about how to Manage Visibility, check our Menu section in MC for details.
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