User Role | Chain | Chain Venue |
Brand Manager | ✅ | ❌ |
Chain Manager | ❌ | ❌ |
Company Manager | ❌ | ❌ |
Local Manager | ❌ | ❌ |
How do translations work?
This functionality allows you to add translation for each new language. Basically, in every language we can define translations for each entity in the MC: Item, Category, Subcategory, Modifier... as well as for Coupons, Rewards, Promotions, News, Locations and Tag Groups as common entities that are translated on a Brand level.
Translations can be added on Brand level by Brand Manager.
Please note: News, Manual Locations, and Discount Tag Groups are still translated in CMS (also on the Brand level) however they will be migrated to MC as well.
How to work with translations in Management Center?
Here's how the Translations tab looks like and what you can do once you access it.
Translations Overview
Here, we're showing you the All Stores level - Translations tab can be found on the left-hand side navigation pane:
For each existing translation, you have the possibility to Edit, Disable, or Permanently delete it:
Upon clicking Edit in the menu under hamburger icon (three dots), this is what you will see on the landing page. Notice that here, we're using Rewards as an example. Within that specific language, you have tabs dedicated also to Menu, Coupons, and Promotions.
Please note: all translations: Menu, Coupons, Promotions and Rewards - have the same flow.
If you want to edit certain items within this page, you may do so by entering names corresponding to the source language (English in this case). Once changes are saved, you will see a green checkmark next to the record you've added or updated. During typing, you will see a loading animated icon:
You have the option to filter items within a certain language by ticking the Show untranslated only box:
If there's no source language items added, this is what you will see:
Adding and editing languages
Upon adding a language, you need to add it's name and a proper language code. You will see examples in the empty Language code line. You can also already toggle the flag to enable that language.
Please note: we're using the ISO 639-1 two-letter code, like es for Spanish, en for English, de for German, etc. To find more codes, you may use this Wiki page.
In case of edition, you have the option to update the name, the code, enable/disable or delete certain language:
If the language code you've entered is incorrect, you'll be prompted to change it:
Please note: when editing the default/source language, you CANNOT delete, nor disable it:
Once you implement you changes, you may see these notification pop-ups, depending on the nature of the change you've performed:
In case your role isn't sufficient to make changes to certain level of translations, you will see the following prompt:
Deleting, disabling and enabling translations
When you choose to delete, disable or enable a translation, you will always be prompted with the respective confirmation pop-up:
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