This article explains the cancelation reason modal for Order cancellations on tablet. This functionality will be integrated into the PAR Ordering ordering system.
What does it do?
It records a reason why the Order was canceled by staff members in the restaurant
It shows when the User has canceled the Order, so that your restaurant crew is notified
It generates reports in the CMS, based on cancelation reasons collected
How does it work?
Here's a breakdown of how Order Cancelation flow looks like, depending on different scenarios. Let's take a look!
Restaurant cancelation
The cancelation reason modal appears after selecting the cancel option from a drop-down menu
The first reason in the list is automatically preselected by default
If there are many cancelation reasons, the modal opens in full-screen mode with extra scrolling functionality
Pressing outside of modal or on the X button will close the modal
The Order is canceled after selecting the Cancel order button
User cancelation - Interactions
If Notifications are enabled in the CMS, the staff members working in the restaurant will get a cancelation notification with a sound playing on the Tablet App when the Order is canceled by the User
When the notification card is pressed, the interface will scroll its position to the past Orders, where the canceled Order will be shown
If the User presses outside of the notification card, the notification options will disappear
Please note: This flow is handled the same way as when a new Order is received. This flow will be implemented for internal and external Channel Orders.
Hungerstation specific
Here's a closer look on how Order Cancelation can be setup specifically, based on the use case for Hungerstation. This is the first Delivery Aggregator that we support the cancelation feature for and we will expand to all supported Aggregators in the near future.
Hungerstation Orders can be canceled in any State of Order, including:
On hold Order
Active Orders
Past Orders
Manual Orders
Hungerstation cancelation reason modal has separate reasons list compared to the PAR Ordering generic cancelation reasons list
Hungerstation cancelation reasons list is as follows:
Items unavailable
Store closed
Customer canceled
Driver didn’t arrive
Delivery late
Store has too many orders
No response from vendor
Technical issue
PAR Ordering specific
This modal will replace our current menu Order cancelation flow on the Tablet App
The PAR Ordering cancelation reason modal has a generic cancelation reasons list
PAR Ordering generic cancelation reasons list is:
Item unavailable
Customer canceled
Store closed
Cannot fulfill delivery
Manual Orders vs. POS Error orders - how do they look like?
We intend to keep visual differences between Manual and POS Error Orders recognizable when they are moved to the past Orders:
When a Manual or POS Error Order is moved to the past Orders, we are keeping the red color applied on Order cards in the Order list
We keep Manual Order or POS Error text label as well
Also, we will tag if these Orders are canceled or refunded
Order details screen will stay unchanged and will reflect the current state of the Manual or POS Error Order
Here's the information on what kind of reporting this functionality provides:
A Cancelation Reasons report can be generated on a Brand level
While generating reports, all report filters that are applied will be considered and data will be generated based on that filtering
The report is generated as XLSX file that can be downloaded
Reporting file structure
And here's how this report looks like once downloaded:
Customizing Order Cancelation language
If there's a need, the language of Order Cancelation can be customized in the CMS.
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