When looking up your Orders in the CMS or upon checking one particular ongoing/completed Order, you may wonder what particular types of IDs mean. This article aims to shortly explain them.
How it looks like
This is what you will see when clicking on an Order and checking its details:
What it means
Let's go through them one by one :)
POS Ticket ID
This is an ID generated for that Order by the POS system.
Payment Transaction ID
This is an ID generated for that Order by the payment processor for a transaction connected to that order.
This is an ID generated by PAR Ordering for all Integration Partners. We generate UUIDs for all entities used by the External Order API. They are being generated next to our auto-increment IDs (meaning they stay and keep being the primary key) and internal systems / channels will continue using our auto-increment IDs. The External Order API service will convert UUIDs into auto-increment IDs when making API calls to our Core API.
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