Here's how to work with Route Drafts, in detail.
How do I do it?
- On the Route Preview View the User clicks Save Draft button if they can not select the driver yet
- The sequence of Orders is saved as Draft - a sequenced list of Orders, but it isn't assigned to any Driver
- Confirmation message Route Draft saved is displayed and the User is taken to Order Assignment mode
Another scenario can be as follows:
On the Route Preview View, if the User clicks Cancel they will see a confirmation popup:
Discard route? with the following buttons:
- Discard
- Save As a Draft -
Once the User clicks Save as a Draft - the Draft will be saved
Once the User clicks Discard the Route is discarded and the User is taken back to the Order Assignment View
If the Driver is selected, they will not be saved for the Route Draft (the dropdown is added to the screen only for the Assignment and starting Route)
If one or several Orders are not in Unassigned status when the Route draft is saved, the User will be asked for confirmation - should we save the Route Draft without the unavailable Orders
The Route Drafts are displayed in Order Assignment mode and can be edited or assigned to Drivers or DSPs later:
The Order can be present in several Route Drafts, but once the route gets assigned to a Driver o a DSP - all the Orders of that confirmed Route are removed from correspondent Route Drafts.
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